Migration to the Binance Smart Chain Network

27th January 2024

In our ongoing efforts to enhance the ABITCOINGOLD ecosystem, we’d like to share some significant updates. We are migrating all tokens from the ERC-20 standard to the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). This strategic move is designed to optimize transaction speed, reduce fees, and offer an overall improved user experience.

Key Updates:

The migration of ABG from the ERC-20 to the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network has been successfully completed. Due to the migration, the ABG contract address has been updated. 

Please make sure to add the new contract address to your wallet and use it for all transactions. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network will serve to be the main network of ABG token. Thank you for your cooperation during this transition. 

ABG Token Updated Details:


Symbol: ABG

New ABG Contract Address: 0xDb2Ed8A8E53e9d0e91C65fED1DfE2edc35C3bdAa

Decimals: 8

Total Supply: 9,000,000 ABG (the total supply will remain the same)

The ERC-20 standard is being phased out, and ABG tokens will no longer be available on the Ethereum network.


Symbol: ABG

Polygon Network Contract Address: 0xeEc7f90224df80CAa20E1c98158ede080A7EC4E9

Current Supply: 4,500,000 ABG

In order to enhance transaction efficiency and provide users with more options, the ABG team has strategically decided to bridge 50% of the total supply to the Polygon Network. This bridging aims to strengthen and optimize the ABITCOINGOLD ecosystem, while also giving you the flexibility to choose your preferred network.

About Polygon Network: 

Polygon is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, designed to enhance the scalability and usability of the Ethereum network. It achieves this by providing faster and more cost-effective transactions, interoperability with various blockchains, and a growing ecosystem that supports decentralized applications (DApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi) projects.

ABG will continue to utilize a bridge to interact with other blockchain networks by employing cross-chain technology. ABG potentially provides users with the flexibility to choose networks with lower transaction fees. The competition among blockchains for lower fees can benefit the community by offering more cost-effective options for their transactions. Additionally, it can contribute to the overall network efficiency and scalability of the project.

Action Required:

Updated Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19zIYOlOgzHpSVmaztdgtrFiB-5RSSaCU/view?usp=drivesdk 


The token swap is in progress and will continue until all tokens, including those on exchanges, are successfully swapped. Further updates will be shared after things are sorted out and the swap is complete. For real-time updates and more detailed information, please refer to our official channels, including our websites and social media platforms.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this ongoing process. These changes are designed to strengthen and optimize the ABITCOINGOLD ecosystem while offering you the flexibility to choose your preferred network.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best regards,